2016 DFG Workshop in Berlin: Indian Environmental Policy
The workshop, financed by DFG and NOW, was held on the 27th and 28th of October and brought together researchers and students of environmental policy from the India, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK to discuss the chapters set to form a teaching book for students and early career researchers interested in Indian environmental policy. The chapters presented in this two-day workshop dealt with various issues including the role of Indian civil society and private sector, as well as subnational levels in environmental governance. Case studies from water, forest and energy governance were presented as well. Common areas of interest that were identified during the workshop were the potentials in addressing co-benefits and leapfrogging processes, which will be taken forward in the context of the book project. Kirsten Jörgensen from the FFU and D. Raghunandan from the Delhi Science Forum will co-edit the book. The workshop did not only enable the researchers to present their contributions to the book, but also presented a number of students and early career researchers with an opportunity to be involved in the formulation of the book outline and join discussions during the workshop. We thank all presenters and discussants for their contributions to this workshop and are very excited about the opportunity to take this project forward.